About Me


I’m an assistant professor of physics at the Pennsylvania State University. I’m also a visiting researcher and former NASA Hubble fellow at Princeton University in Mariangela Lisanti’s group, as well as a visiting researcher at the Oskar Klein Centre in Stockholm University working with Tim Linden‘s group. I work broadly on theoretical astrophysics and particle phenomenology. My current research is focused on developing novel techniques for the detection of dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model. My approach takes two broad directions. First, I am applying theoretical techniques from material science and chemistry to the problem of detecting sub-GeV dark matter in the lab and its signatures in space. Second, I am using numerical techniques to model high-energy particle transport at cosmological scales to probe physics beyond the Standard Model in astrophysical observables.


I was an NSF graduate fellow at the University of Chicago working with Dan Hooper, where I graduated in 2020. Before that, I graduated from Purdue University in 2015 with dual degrees in physics and chemistry. You might remember my high school from MTV’s, The Paper /s.


I’m a Colombian-born scientist and I grew up in South Florida. Now I split my time between Sweden and the U.S.. When I’m not working, I’m thinking about my HomeLab, photography, and coffee.